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GladiatHer® Crush Wednesday: Blythe Brumleve of

When you think about women in sports media, chances are that you think of sideline reporters and maybe even news anchors. Your mind doesn’t automatically jump to entrepreneurs or logistics specialists.  But that’s exactly what Blythe Brumleve, today’s GladiatHer® Crush Wednesday feature is; a straight shooting, successful sports entrepreneur and logistics specialist.  Hailing all the way from Duuuuuuuuuuvvvaaaalllll, Florida, Blythe is forging her way in the sports industry on her own terms and we’re absolutely in love with her for it.  Do yourself a favor and take a look at what she has to say below:

Blythe you’re the creator of, tell our readers about it.

GuysGirl Media, LLC is the voice for the female fan covering national topics on major sports, entertainment and their surrounding culture. Through our editorial content, radio and broadcasts, we promote the female fan lifestyle on and off the field.

I started GuysGirl back in 2009 in the infancy of social media because I felt like I was one of the few women who enjoyed sports and gaming. After a few years of helping other women learn about what I enjoy, social media started to explode and that’s when I realized I wasn’t the only woman who loved things typically thought of as “for the guys.” Our brand shifted from teaching to showcasing women from all over the country of what it truly means to be a GuysGirl.


We certainly know how difficult it can be to start a media outlet from scratch.  Did you go to school and study media or communications?  

From the time I was a preteen, I knew I wanted to start my own business. So when I graduated from Sandalwood High School with a handful of scholarships, I assumed my path was clear to a business degree. But after attending the first year and a half of college, it felt like 13th and 14th grade and I became frustrated because I already knew what I wanted to do. So I quit. I quit thinking my path was flawed moved around the country to do a little soul searching before settling back in Jax. I started (free) night time business classes at FSCJ, started up GuysGirl and the rest is history!

I’ve also spent years working in the logistics field while building my audience on GuysGirl. So when I’m not talking sports, I’m freelancing for other logistics companies to help with their digital marketing goals through my LLC, GuysGirl Media.

Wow! That’s certainly a non-traditional path. It’s clear that leaving the traditional classroom experience behind has worked for you.  What advice do you have for women looking to break into the sports industry? 

Adapt to survive. There is no clear cut path to work in the sports industry and many are on their way out because they didn’t embrace changing technology and the habits of their audience. If you want to stand out in a crowded room, and whether it’s Periscope, Snapchat or Instagram, you have to be where that crowd is. 

Take creative writing lessons. I can’t tell you how many opportunities I’ve been given and the advantages I have over fellow colleagues simply because I can write a researched opinion.

One thing I also think is worth sharing is to recognize that we’re not and shouldn’t expect to be immune from criticism. If you have an opinion on the internet, you’re bound to find someone who disagrees with you and will likely insult you. It’s no different than the men and women who have come before you. The beauty (and annoyance) of the internet is that everyone can instantly have a voice. You just have to ignore the dumb ones as best you can.


Great advice; adapt to survive, grow as a writer and have tough skin!  As a sports entrepreneur what are some of your greatest challenges and how do you overcome them?

I think the majority of sports fans are used to hearing a woman talk about sports, but they’re not as used to hearing a woman’s opinion on sports. If you look around the major networks, 90 percent of women are either reading the news, tossing it to commercial or working on the sidelines. Not to say those are bad gigs, but I have no interest in being just another pretty face. My passion lies in finding a story/topic,  researching stats/analysis from a variety of sources and then giving my opinion on the subject. However, those who are helping to change that perception are women like Katie Nolan, Jemele Hill and Kacey Smith.

On the flip, what’s the most rewarding part of being a woman in sports? 

After years of writing and working media for other outlets, I launched my own sports show in August and I can’t tell you how satisfying it is to have people tune in and enjoy. I put a lot of research into everything I do and the thought of having my own show has terrified for me for years. Now when I see people interacting and enjoying it, there is no greater satisfaction than to know people find value in the work you do.

Who is your favorite GladiatHer®?

The list of women I admire is nearly endless but a couple that stand out are J.K. Rowling and Serena Williams. Rowling is a self made billionaire by writing one of best fan fictions in modern history and she’s constantly standing up for human rights. And Serena Williams is one of the most accomplished athletes, male or female, in sports history. She’s fought for equal pay on the women’s pro tour and is a business mogul off the court when she’s not dominating her opponents on the court.

But when people ask, “Who do you look up to?” I find it difficult to compare my life to any one else’s. So who I look up to and admire will always be myself in 10 years. Because no matter what life throws at me, I will always strive to be a better person than I was yesterday.

Yaaasss! Be your own role model! I definitely think that more women in business need to be checking for JK too! What’s new or next for GuysGirl Media LLC? 

Over the football season, I launched a new medium to the brand dubbed ‘The GuysGirl Show.’ Every Monday and Friday, I livestream the best sports and entertainment news in a bite-sized format. It’s available on Periscope (@GuysGirl_) and on iTunes.

We’ll definitely be tuning in! Thanks so much for chatting with us, Blythe.  Your dedication to giving women a voice in sports is invaluable.  Keep doing things your way and the sky is the limit! 

Be sure to keep up with Blythe and GuysGirl on social media here:  GuysGirl on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.



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