She’s the creator of vegan beauty products, a philanthropist, a real estate investor and a writer. But before all of that she’s a wife and mother of 3, soon-to-be 4, children. I’m not sure how one person has time for all of that but the first GladiatHer® Wives feature of 2017, Martavia Wynn, does it all with style and grace. She’s breaking the mold of what it means to be a stay-at-home mom by making a name for herself as a successful businesswoman who prioritizes her family over her business. Check out Mrs. Wynn:
Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Martavia Wynn and I’m originally from College Park, GA. I went to Creekside High School then got my Bachelors of Science from the University of Georgia in Human Development and Family Sciences. I’m married to Jarius Wynn. He’s a 7-year veteran, free agent Defensive End in the National Football League. We have three kids (Jeremiah, 9; Jarius Jr., 6; and Jasiah, 4), and I am pregnant with baby #4. We don’t know the sex and the baby is due March 18, 2017.
Congratulations on the new edition! How amazing is it to be a mother?
Children and motherhood are definitely my passion. The miracle of life and the influences we have the ability to make on the lives of little people intrigue me.

Being a wife and mother are full-time jobs, but that’s not all you do. What else do you have going on?
I own a vegan skincare business, Kenzie Naturals, which specializes in body scrubs, body butters, oils, and soaps that are created with all-natural ingredients, directly from Mother Earth. I am a mommy blogger for Being Mrs. Mommy, and I write here in my spare time. I am also the Executive Director of The Wynning Foundation, a nonprofit that enriches the lives of underprivileged youth and families through education, athletics, and nutrition. Last month, my husband and I started a real estate investment business and have been able to find success in the short time we’ve been involved.
It’s amazing that you find time to breathe! Where do you hope these ventures take you in the next 5-10 years?
I see myself as a more experienced businesswoman, who has grown her network and net worth through various business ventures. You know, despite all the work I put in outside the home, I am a stay-at-home Mom. We tend to be viewed in a negative light by many members of society because of the lack of finances they think we contribute to our homes. I am breaking that stereotype by being an active member of my community and finding ways to make money while remaining a homemaker and raising my kids the way I want to. So I also hope to continue to break the mold of what it means to be a stay-at-home mom.

Trust me, you’re annihilating the stereotype. Well you know we love to talk sports here. Do you have a connection to sports outside of your husband?
I sure do. I was an all-around athlete in high school. I cheered, ran track, and played volleyball throughout my entire middle and high school careers. Sports have taught me to be a team player and how to be an effective leader in life. I’ve also learned the importance of staying in shape and living a healthy lifestyle.
You have a daughter and perhaps another on the way, why do you think it is important for girls and women to be involved in sports?
Well, I just shared how playing sports had a positive impact on me, so I think it’s definitely important for girls to play sports. They learn so much about leadership, health and working with others. I also think it’s important for women to be involved as coaches. Women offer a different perspective from men in general, so as leaders for their respective teams, they tend to be more caring and understanding, while still being firm. My female coaches were like moms away from home, whereas my male coaches were mainly about winning.
We absolutely need more women in the coaching game. They really have direct and long-lasting impacts on people’s lives. Speaking of impact, what impact do you hope to leave in this world?
My main goal in life is to positively impact the world with my daily living and the lives of my children. I raise them to go out and be shining examples of God and His love, and I set the example for them through my own actions. I really believe in pouring into the lives of others. Besides the events we do for our personal nonprofit, I currently serve as the Director of Community Relations for the Professional Football Wives Association. I am responsible for connecting our members to people and businesses in all 32 NFL team cities.

We like to ask our guests who their favorite GladiatHer® is, but let’s broaden the spectrum. Who are your favorite athletes?
My favorite athlete, by far, is my husband. He is the hardest working man I know, and I’m blessed to be able to watch his dreams unfold on and off the field. I’m definitely his biggest fan! I also admire Serena Williams because of her accomplishments and contributions to the sports world as a female athlete and Lebron James because he is such a star, yet remains humble and dedicated to the family and home he has built with his wife.
Thanks Martavia for your time. You’re a true Renaissance woman and an inspiration to stay-at-home and working moms alike. How can our readers keep up with all you do?
Here goes…On Facebook I’m Martavia Wynn, on Instagram I’m @mrsmartaviawynn, on Twitter I’m @TheSlickMrs_94 and on Snap I’m martaviawynn. Please check out my healthy, sustainable products at and visit my blog,