Now that you’ve eaten too much turkey, drunk too much beer and watched too much football, we’d like to introduce you to the perfect young lady to get you back on the healthy eating, healthy lifestyle track. Meet our newest Instagram Inspiration, Alexandria Polise, aka Alexandria_Fitness. At 26 years old she finds the time to be a full-time 401K Plan Administrator, a part-time fitness coach and a genuine inspiration for living a healthy life, physically and spiritually. So let’s get to know Alexandria:
Before beginning your career as a fitness coach, did you play sports?
Yes, I played volleyball and tennis in High School. I was the Varsity Tennis Captain but my real passion was volleyball. I played varsity my sophomore- senior year. Our team won the Michigan State championships back to back in 2007 & 2008. We finished with a 66-6 and 67-6 record both years. I went on to play my freshman year of college at a local Community College (Grand Rapids Community College) while I figured out what I wanted to study. I was about to quit the team and that same day I received a call from the coach at Indiana Tech asking me to come down for a visit. It just felt like fate – God pushing me to keep playing and travel to another state. I went to Indiana tech and played there for my Sophomore – Senior years.
A very good friend of mine recognized that after volleyball ended and a few unfortunate life events that I needed a positive outlet to stay active and improve my confidence in myself. He introduced me to weight lifting which is what I did for 2.5 years before finding a new at home program that I started in January 2016.

Why did you choose Instagram to chronicle your fitness journey?
IG is a huge platform and I am a visual learner so I like the idea of sharing my story in pictures. My brain can only focus on words for so long but a picture can grab my attention and keep it longer.
I think that’s why so many people flock to Instagram. What’s your fitness/health philosophy or mantra?
Oh gosh, I would say that, God has already made us perfect just the way we are but while we are here we might as well work on being fit for His kingdom as well.
I like that! I wish more people understood that. What are your goals for Instagram?
Simply put, to spread the joy of the Lord while encouraging, motivating and hopefully inspiring other women to embrace their “flaws” as society sees them because they are wonderfully made. Everything else is just a bonus.
As your IG following has grown what are some things you’ve learned about yourself and social media?
I’ve learned that I don’t have to pretend my life is perfect to be happy. Sharing the brutal honesty of life, the ups and downs, is so relatable and in turn you find out you aren’t alone. Post a picture of cellulite for example and you will find 10 women who feel the exact same way. If only we all were more open about how we really felt or looked like we wouldn’t feel the need to take so much time and energy on our outward appearance and in turn we could focus on feeding and growing our mentality and spiritual relationships.

I wish more of us were open about our journeys. Operating in honesty, is really where we’re able to inspire people. You are vocal about your faith, how does that motivate you and how do you use it to motivate others?
I read a book about a year ago and it had a sentence in it that we are simply on earth to prepare for eternity. The time between this breath and my last I want to make sure I live for Him. I took a leap of faith as a fitness coach and I have never felt closer to God or even felt like I have had such a reason and purpose to be alive. God will make sure I am where I need to be, I just need to allow myself to trust Him at all times. Through the shadows and sometimes negative comments and the doubt of if I can do this – He is my light at the end of the tunnel and when it gets dark He always finds a way to send me a light. Whether it’s a message from a follower or a client who has seen a change in the scale, He knows what I need to hear to keep pushing forward.
Do what He tells you to do and He’ll take care of the rest. I love that. What impact do you hope to have on society?
I hope to have the impact that God needs me to have on society. All things I do, I do through Him. I want to allow myself to be so vulnerable and trusting in Him that He can use me exactly how He need.
Thank you so much for chatting with us and being a part of #GladiatHersOfInstagram, Alexandria. And thank you so much for sharing your journeys of fitness and faith. You are truly a motivating force in a world that lends itself to so many opportunities for defeat. GladiatHers®, be sure to follow Alexandria on Instagram and if you want to learn more about her fitness programming, check her out on Facebook.
